Tue Madsen IR Pack

Rainbows & Chainsaws

Signature Impulse Response Pack

Demo Pack
Kristian Kohle Rainbows


Thirteen beautiful, modern metal guitar tones that will sit perfectly in a mix.

Amp sim + IR. No extra processing:


Fifteen of the grindiest, sludgiest, dirtiest tones you can imagine to spice up your productions. Warning: not for the faint of heart!

Amp sim + IR. No extra processing:

Kristian Kohle Chainsaws

Kristian Kohle

Kristian Kohle (Powerwolf, Aborted, Eskimo Callboy, Van Canto, Benighted) is a songwriter, producer, mixing engineer, and owner of the Kohlekeller Studios in Germany. Kohle has over twenty years of experience and numerous chart-topping albums, including three Gold- and a Platinum- records under his belt.

In addition to his career as a producer, Kristian also has a very successful YouTube channel where he has made it his mission to teach up-and-coming engineers how to achieve the best tones imaginable. 


Our IRs are carefully phase aligned for perfect blending.Every pack is compatible with all software and hardware impulse response loaders - Quad Cortex, AXE FX, Kemper, Mooer, Line6, Boss, Strymon and many more...

YouTube videos

Mendel Bij De Leij

Nik Nocturnal

Stay Metal Ray


Kohle Audio Kult

The Kohle Audio Kult is an Online Academy that helps up-and-coming heavy music producers and artists to hone their production skills and develop their own, unique sound.

Every month, we'll put you in touch with inspiring mentors, covering a wide variety of genres, from Heavy Rock all the way to the most extreme Metal and Djent.You’ll discover a plethora of different production techniques, tones, and philosophies.So you can be inspired to develop YOUR OWN sound, and create heavy music that’ll stand the test of time!

Also available

MLC S_Zero 93
MLC S_Zero 93

MLC S_Zero 93

Trivium Drums
Trivium Drums

Trivium Drums

Ampknob Trivium Rhythm
Ampknob Trivium Rhythm

Ampknob Trivium Rhythm

Ampknob Trivium Lead
Ampknob Trivium Lead

Ampknob Trivium Lead

Bassknob Trivium
Bassknob Trivium

Bassknob Trivium
